Solutions SALES
Monitoring and controlling of all Air Handling Units based on external and internal temperatures.
Alerts on boiler where the burners have not fired properly
Alerting on Hot water pumps and monitoring of water temperature.
Monitoring flow and return water temperature on pumps for heating
Monitoring and alerting on cold water pumps
Monitoring and alerting on Surface water pumps, levels etc…
Monitoring and alerting on waste water pumps
Monitoring, controlling and alerting on Generators
Monitoring all Electricity meter current and future
Monitoring all UPS’s
Monitoring and controlling of compressors and dehumidifiers
Control and monitoring of warehouse automation systems
Lighting controller in all areas so that costs can be reduced at off peak times by automating the switching off of lights and systems
Control and monitoring of all security and access systems
Control of all critical infrastructure under a single interface
Power distribution
Building automation systems
Energy management systems
Data center infrastructure management(DCIM)
Fire detection, evacuation, and extinguishing
Access control
Intrusion detection
Totally Integrated Power Service
Vertical Markets
Work with IOT company to provide robust platforms and coms for their products.
Provide expertise in protocol and data management
Provide third party API for push and pull application
Help them to integrate with more complimentary systems
Make legacy system smart
Make dump devices smarter
Already work in Utilities OIL & Gas verticals
Already work with Fire Suppression System verticals
Already work in Market Garden Verticals
Already work in Farm Verticals
Already work in Hotels Verticals